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The Stevenson Center at Illinois State University promotes community and economic development in the U.S. and abroad.  The Center sets the pace for public service and scholarship through a unique combination of coursework, research, professional practice, and collaboration with communities.



Goal 1: A Stevenson Center student will acquire theoretical and applied knowledge of community and economic development, as well as the tools for continued research and practical application leading to positive and lasting change.


Goal 2: The Stevenson Center fosters mutually beneficial relationships with various local, national, and international entities to further their community and economic development efforts.


Goal 3: The Stevenson Center continuously seeks, assesses, and embraces opportunities to serve students, communities, faculty, and ISU.


Goal 4: The Stevenson Center, with the support of Illinois State University, actively seeks and commits personnel and resources for the implementation of its programs.

ANT 385 Visual Anthropology Project
Created by Cecilia Montesdeoca / Updated by Stevenson Center


Share your contact information with us to receive more information about the Stevenson Center’s ACED Fellows Program.

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