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Political Science

What role does political science have in community and economic development?



"Political Science plays a huge role in community and economic development. Whether policy decisions are made at a local, state or federal level, their effects can be felt by communities everywhere. If we want to support the conscious development of communities, we must engage in politics at one point or another whether in the role of an advocate or policy maker. An education in political science helps to ensure that we are better prepared to navigate these murky waters as leaders in community and economic development." 

How does the Stevenson Center cohort impact your graduate experience?

"The Stevenson Center cohort has been so great for me, just in instantly forming friendships among this wonderful peer group and bonding over our shared experiences of stress and fun throughout the program. It has helped that we all come from a similar work background and have been able to share our own experiences and learn from one another in the process." 

Jordan Norton


Greeneville, Tennessee 

Undergraduate Degree:
Geology and Environmental Studies
University of Tennessee Knoxville (2013)


Stevenson Center Program: 
Applied Community and Economic Development 

How does the Stevenson Center’s program shape your graduate experience?

"The Stevenson Center has shaped how I view my major within the graduate program. In looking at political science, I am concerned with how we can work on building better communities, or work toward great equity within our municipalities through programs of economic development. The Stevenson Center has also provided me a point of contact and rest in times where I've been feeling overwhelmed with all of the things I have to do on my list. It has provided that space for breath several times during my graduate career so far." 

Graduate Assistantship

Jordan is currently working as a graduate teaching assistant. He grades undergraduate papers and quizzes and holds office hours to assist students. Jordan has also conducted research on legal topics related to education policy. 

Former Service Experience

Jordan served in AmeriCorps for three years. From 2013-2015, he was a campus kitchen community coordinator in Spokane, WA, where he worked on feeding meals to people experiencing homelessness and to low-income seniors. He then went on to work as a youth development assistant, coordinating after school programs for disadvantaged children. 

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